The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62027   Message #1000611
Posted By: Deda
11-Aug-03 - 10:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tempus fugit
Subject: RE: BS: Tempus fugit
I don't know why my earlier message didn't post. More gray matter flying off like so much dandelion fluff, ho, ho, hee hee. Anyway, I don't look back fondly on my teens, twenties or thirties -- Each one had high points, and each decade got a little better, over all, than the one before. My forties were great, and my fifties have been, too -- except that the carpal tunnel's a little worse, body's not quite as agile and responsive as I'd like at time. But generally, I've really enjoyed aging. The wrinkles and gray hair and ailments aren't so great, but life's become a lot more fun as I've improved my ability to forego suffering.