The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62000   Message #1000670
Posted By: DMcG
12-Aug-03 - 03:12 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat and other folk site accessibility
Subject: RE: Mudcat and other folk site accessibility
I agree, Jon. Having a way to follow links is the first step, but by no means the last. Any web designer should be constantly asking how the site fits in with various disabilities and its horribly easy to produce a site that only works with certain screen resolutions, one set of font sizes and perfect vision - most businesses do it all the time!

While we are thinking about disabilities, one person I used to work with had Parkinson's, and that made all sorts of things like 'radio buttons' and 'combo boxes' very difficult to work with. (She couldn't even use a mouse and had to have a large rollerball.) Don't exclude these people either!

(And on a personal level, but nothing to do with either Mudcat or the Web, I have a stammer. Everyone hates automated phone systems, but just imagine dealing with the voice recognition ones if you have a stammer and they didn't bother to provide push-button equivalent. It's hell!)