The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5070   Message #1000975
12-Aug-03 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Origins:A-Rovin/Maid from Amsterdam/Amsterdam Maid
Subject: RE: Lyr help req: Maid from Amsterdam
Hi, Bruce O and Q ! The songs you mention are most apposite. A similar progression features in Planxty's song "Cumhla." I believe this is a translation from Irish; if so, they may well have altered it somewhat. Haven't heard the song in years, further info would be welcome. (Besides being catchy and well performed, the song is notable because, unlike the examples here, it's expressed from the bemused lady's POV - as I recall !

Hi to Jerry as well ! I too was at Mystic that day, but didn't catch the stanza about "a lovely ride."

Anyway, one year later we came back for more. Stan was there in great form, but he declined to perform any more "uncensored" sea songs on a public stage. He confessed the performance context had made him uncomfortable : "In the old days, a bunch of sailors might be singing those songs in some sailortown pub, but if a decent woman walked in, they'd immediately shut up."

I agree the uncensored shanties should be published for the cultural record.