The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62016   Message #1001704
Posted By: Barry Finn
14-Aug-03 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
Subject: RE: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
EDUCATION & HOPE are the best tools against drug use & it doesn't cost much in compared to the tab in the long run.

"I have known more heroin addicts, meth addicts, cocaine addicts, marijuana addicts, ecstasy addicts and alcohol addicts than all you folks together"

Big deal (are you trying to pull rank?) but I doubt it very much.You are right Leprechaun, you are right about drugs being the most important thing in a junkie's life. DUH, don't ya think that's part of the problem. A junkie no longer has a life unless they find help from somewhere (Lou Reed's song Heroin, "it's my wife, it's my life"). Slash, Budget, Slash. Let them overdose, why? 'Puke'. For some it is self medicating, for, hell there's a million reasons but I'll tell you what, "It's No Party". I'm sure that no junkie as a kid aspired to being an addict when they got older & looked foward to partying in some deathly cellar & rejoicing in the finer arts & techniques enjoyed in the shooting gallery. Overdosing is a strange phenomenon. It takes larger & larger quantities for the junkie to reach nirvana. Nirvana is another strange place. It's where they go to rid them of their selves, to block out what they are & who've they become. They know better than any what a sickly site they've become, & there's not a damn thing most of them can do about it. The overdose finally gets them to where they want to be, either on purpose or by accident it don't matter to them. I never knew of one junkie who wanted to stay where they were (they may not care but they still don't want to be there). Most I knew have tried multiple times to get straight, it's only a few that are lucky enough to live & even less that go on to far better life.

Little Hawk's dead right about
"Inside every addict is a totally worthwhile human soul, a soul that once was a hopeful child. Most that I knew & grew up with started as decent people, didn't know many that were black hearted from jump street but I do think that it's different now because of the war zones that some of these kids grow up in & the trauma that they have to survive. Poverty is a breeding ground for drugs, the worse things are the more need to escape (same as gambling or drinking). Hell, you can even judge the economy by watching the rise in the cost of it & no matter what the addict will pay, what ever the price. So all the help in the world won't mean a damn thing with out education, therapy at least some glimmer of hope at the end of their tunnels.
