The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62097   Message #1002153
Posted By: akenaton
14-Aug-03 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: What Is More Insular Than Folk Music?
Subject: RE: What Is More Insular Than Folk Music?
In my youth before TV came to our area, weekly concerts were held in the local hall.Every one was expected to contribute to the entertainment,either by singing,playing an instrument or reciting verse. Although there were no professional in our gathering everyones contribution was appreciated and cheered to the echo.    Nowadays there seems to be a wish to "bring people down" if they are not up to the required standard. People have become self conscious about dont hear folks "raise the roof" the way they used to.And what happened to Community singing at big events...The demise of Folk music has various causes chiefly...prosperity and as we become better off we personally become more insular,we dont need one another.   Anothor thought of mine is that folk music ,on record and radio became to "clever" and high tech for its own good .Its out of touch with the roots...Ake.