The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62097 Message #1002156
Posted By: GUEST
14-Aug-03 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: What Is More Insular Than Folk Music?
Subject: RE: What Is More Insular Than Folk Music?
Actually, any folk festival held in a rural or conservative area could tremble in fear of the politics of the musicians and punters offending the locals. Been there, didn't really care.
At the end of the day, the locals in Calgary will care a damn sight more about the one million people contributing to their local economy, than what the political slant of the event was.
How do I know? Been there, done that, and found that the economic boost was something the entire local community appreciated, even if they did think (and rightfully so) the whole thing was damn inconvenient for them. It is a big inconvenience when a million people come to town. But some things are worth being inconvenienced for a weekend. When the money stays in the hands of locals, it will go round and round for quite some time, which makes more of the local people stay put. Especially the young people, who are so prone to running off to the bigger cities for jobs and adventure.