The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62097   Message #1002184
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
14-Aug-03 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: What Is More Insular Than Folk Music?
Subject: RE: What Is More Insular Than Folk Music?
How could I not count you, Art? You are number ONE in my book for bringing folk music to whoever was willing to listen to it. Maybe there's been someone who did more than you (although I'm not aware of them) but no one could ever touch your enthusiasm and humor. I've seen and heard so many people who make a living of sorts out of singing for schools and libraries who suck every ounce of life, humor and fun out of the music, either by giving endlessly long, boring introductions, or showing such reverence for the music that they forget that folk music is supposed to be entertaining. Making folk music boring is a talent that I'm glad more people aren't blessed with..

In much the same way out of my own beliefs, the Gospel Messengers take the message out into the world, and sing out of churches far more than in. We've sung countless times at nursing homes, senior centers, homeless shelters, United Way breakfasts, Habitat For Humanity fund-raisers... even for a Jewish memorial service. We belive in what we sing as much as you believe in what you sing, Art, and we sing wherever we can.

And we never forget that music should be entertaining.
