The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62134   Message #1002946
Posted By: rodentred
15-Aug-03 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: how do you prepare to sing?
Subject: RE: how do you prepare to sing?
Obviously some people have voices that work from the word go and others need some preparation, both physical and mental. All of the coaches I have heard from have proposed exercises - nod gently whilst turning head from extreme right to left (or vice versa) and try some scales before singing (not easy in a folk club when you are on next and someone else is singing). I also recommend self-massage (or better still someone else doing it) of the back of the neck. Ideally you want to shake your whole body and relax it all but you'll look pretty stupid in the clubs I go to (!!) but good if you are waiting in the wings of a stage.

When I was younger I avoided crisps (chips!) before singing but these days think I was perhaps being over-particular. Key thing is to talk to the audience before striking a note to get a feel for the accoustics of the venue which is so essential for pitching correctly if unnacompanied.

The other great tip I had was imagine you are enormous and filling the venue with your spirit. The people in the back row are right next to you and you are singing in their ears. Its all part of not feeling intimidated and letting your voice be itself and not some squeaky imitation. Like many activities - 'its all in the mind' at the end of the day.

Finally - as with sex, alcohol enhances the desire (perception of capability here) but detracts from the performance. Just enough relaxes but getting the organiser to get you on stage before you have too much doesn't always work as planned in my experience.