The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62016   Message #1003010
Posted By: leprechaun
15-Aug-03 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
Subject: RE: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
And drugs were illegal for forty years before they exploded in popularity (and profitability) in the sixties and seventies. Somebody's at fault for that, and if it was directly correlated with prohibition, why didn't it happen forty years sooner? Who's digging the hole? I say it's the libertines who preach that nobody has to be responsible for their own actions unless they're rich, or belong to the wrong political party. I lay the blame for this pandemic on the nihilist party animals in Hollywood who are shoving their hedonist agenda down our children's throats.

I just don't see how you're going to make drugs legally available to anybody who wants them for the fun of it, and still keep drug abusers marginalized, as they should be. I think the users, especially the proselytizing ones, are evil. A few posts ago amenhotep, perhaps confusing me with a gargoyle or guest, suggested I want to kill them. I don't want to kill them. I just don't want them around my children. Hell, I don't even want them around their own children. I don't want them renting the house next door. I don't want them working on my car, or my wood stove, or my computer. I don't want them on the road, I don't want them to even have a license to drive.

A drug abuser might have been somebody's darling baby at one time, but once they decide to be a doper they throw their conscience away.