The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12565   Message #100314
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
28-Jul-99 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: Dr. Bronner's Miracle Soap cleans everything!
Subject: RE: Dr. Bronner's Miracle Soap cleans everything!
Ah, the educational value of the Mudcat. I just learned about a wonderful product with a label worthy of reading during breakfast, and a new response to my wife if she complains that the sink if full of dirty dishes. Of course, if one of your friends has problems with body odor, you can tell him to go Fugg himself (or herself, as the case may be).

Sometime in the future, if I stay here, I'll earn my MM degree (Master of Mudscatology). Of course Catspaw was able to challenge all the academic work, and he can put together The Collected Postings of Catspaw as his dissertation--the coveted DM degree. And who said there's no gain without pain?
