The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61966   Message #1004176
Posted By: GUEST,Q
18-Aug-03 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Whose Old Cow (N. Howard Thorp)
Subject: RE: 19th century black cowboy rap
More wandering from the subject, but an interesting article on the King Ranch in the NY Times.
Hispanics working on the Ranch and in its other businesses are called "Kineños" ("King's men"). King had recruited vaqueros and their families from Mexico 150 years ago, and some remain as 5th generation workers.
An extract:
"The patrón system that allowed Richard King and the Klebergs to rule the ranch in an almost cradle-to-grave fashion is slowly being replaced by contemporary mamagement practices. Gone, for instance, are the days when ranch employees were each given 60 pounds of beef and 10 gallons of milk per month as part of their salary.
"Salaries remain relatively low, with cowboys earning as little as $20000 a year, but nearly all the ranch's employees have health insurance and are enrolled in retirement plans. About 300 families continue to live on the ranch and receive free housing, though some employees prefer to live in Kingsville.
"A few college-educated kineños have also risen to management positions, overseeing areas like human resources and financial audits. "That is different from the days a century ago when Hispanics were not allowed to become foremen in charge of cowboys and other employees" (this held true of most Texas ranches- foremen were always white; white cowboys in Texas would not take direction from Hispanics).

The 825,000 acre ranch is just a part of current holdings. Holdings in Florida include Consolidated Citrus, making the KIng Ranch the nation's top citrus producer. Sugar cane and cotton are grown commercially on the ranch. Race horse breeding and petroleum production also contribute. The privately held company is run currently by a Harvard M. B. A., not a member of the Kleberg clan.