The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62195   Message #1004364
Posted By: Blues=Life
18-Aug-03 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: Voices that don't blend
Subject: RE: Voices that don't blend
Doesn't seem to matter where we sing. When I HAD an upper register, and sang baritone notes, and she tried alto, it STILL didn't work. Think beer over cheesecake, think pizza with a scoop of pistachio ice cream on top, think fingernails and a chalkboard. It wasn't the notes, it was....Hell, I don't know what it was. It's like two sine waves that cannot overlap. (By the way, I liked Pavoritti and Sting, TBPL - *g*)
And leeneia, we been trying for 30 years! But we finally gave up. Some things just don't blend. (Thanks, Lady Jean... it's nice to hear someone else has the same problem.)