The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2411   Message #10049
Posted By: rapunzel
04-Aug-97 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Plastic Jesus
Those versoins listed in the DT don't really go too well with my melody. I must not have all of it. I think I have a heretofore unrecorded couple of lines there, though. (Comes in colors pink and pleasant, glows in the dark 'cause it's irridescent)


I have, by the way, been privy to the wonderful/horrible secrets found within the Archie McPhee catalog. I don't find it hard to resist buying things myself, but I have a number of friends who have given me stuff. I had a boyfriend who bought the set of plastic ants and kept them with his unwashed hot cocoa cup in his locker in HS, and I have a lovely glow-in-the-dark rubber cockroach, which I sometimes wear around my neck, and I'm sure that my "Mary" is from out of those hallowed pages.

sorry, I wax eloquent upon a non-folk-related-them I'll just check out their web page.