The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61627   Message #1005094
Posted By: GUEST,Ayatolla
20-Aug-03 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: SLOOP session to Coach and Ho, Barton.
Subject: RE: SLOOP session to Coach and Ho, Barton.
My last missive was enigmatic and cut short 'cos I was ejected from the library having exceeded my time. School kids should be back at school so's one can swim and surf without aggravation.
   My plea is for everyone to scour the charity shops/ car boot sales for a peak cap for the door stop person. ET says we must keep up the signing in bollocks until a) Jo (landlady) gets a PEL or b) the new law comes into force (approx 1 year). Otherwise Jo gets done for a £1000 fine.
   I shall not be with you for several weeks this Autumn (signing in books behind the bar) as I shall be searching for migrating Dick Dicks and Virgins (they don't exist in Barton). I shall journey as far as Wales, Cornwall, Norfolk and the Ukrain. For your information KJ the virgins are not for my misuse, but for me to dispense to young heroes like Oaklet and You-Know-Who (Suffice it to say that Bulk in the Corner didn't call him 'Skippy the BUSH Kangaroo' for nothing).
