The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62237   Message #1005218
Posted By: Peg
20-Aug-03 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Diverticulitis
Subject: RE: BS: Diverticulitis
Sorry to hear you are not doing too well Kendall. As the ancients said, let your food be your other words, don't assume the meds will completely solve this problem. They are western medicine's answer to symptoms, but do not always address the underlying problem which is subtle and probably took years to settle in.

I try to watch my habits with food etc. because I seem to have a somewhat delicate constitution that goes out of whack once in a while. According to Ayurveda (an ancient Indian system well worth following), one's "doshas" go out of balance due to various things like improper food, stress, fatigue, and various stimulants (including coffee and television). When I feel kinda lousy and like nothing I eat is what I want, I look at the last few days and try to figure out how to get back in balance. In Ayurvedic terms, I have a tendency towards a Pitta imbalance, which can be aggravated by hot humid weather, spicy food, alcohol, stress and staying indoors too much. If you are curious about how this system may help, I recommend the book Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra. There are also many websites dealing with Ayurvedic principles, most of which are very easy to implement.

One thing many people forget (because it becomes so ingrained over the years) is to chew food very thoroughly. Most of us don't. (I know I don't) This can be a very important variable with digestive complaints, and it is worthwhile to make a new habit of chewing very well and eating slowly.

Drinking cold liquids during meals also disturbs digestion. A glass of wine is okay. Follow a meal with a hot drink, preferably herbal tea. Fennel, chamomile or peppermint are all very good for digestion. Food combining may also help immensely. (No starches with meats; green veggies with meats or protein, or with starches. Fruit alone or before a meal)

I would guess that giving up coffee and tea for a time might help (it gave my guts a nice rest when I did it for four months); try decaf or green tea.

Good luck!