The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40581   Message #1005660
Posted By: Joe Offer
21-Aug-03 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: How can I keep from Singing
Subject: RE: Help: How can I keep from Singing
My wife Christina and I opened our wedding ceremony with this song in January, 2002. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Our choir used to sing this song to the Ed Gutfreund variation of the tune, so that's the tune I picked. The choir hadn't done it for a number of years, and half the people in the congregation were folkies who knew the taditional tune - so we had a bit of a mess. The other songs were much better, and we ended the wedding with everybody singing "Let There Be Peace On Earth."
I don't think I'd use the Gutfreund version again. I think its a bit too "peppy," although it does overcome the tendency people have to drag this song down to dirge tempo. It's a wonderful song, but it does take a bit of work and direction to get a group to sing it well.
-Joe Offer-