The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62237   Message #1005665
Posted By: catspaw49
21-Aug-03 - 01:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Diverticulitis
Subject: RE: BS: Diverticulitis
Thank you LL...Barb knows of what she speaks Kendall! She and I were hospitalized at the same time and bad as I was, she was much worse. In the aftermath, both of us went through about the same thing, but note how many foods trigger a response in Barb versus the number that trigger a responce in me. I think if we were to make actual exzct lists, hers would be 8 or 9 times greater than mine.

The post attack diet she refers to I call "Liquid/White/Mashed" as that gives the general idea and when I said above that I stay on this at each stage longer as it helps me to get better faster, to be specific, I maintain each phase for about 10-12 days before moving on. I think there is also the "Fear Factor" involved with me because I think back to that night I went to the hospital (and the days preceding and following) and I will do damn near anything to avoid that in the future!!!

Barb makes a good point as well with the time you seem to have had this would indicate that you have never really healed from the first attack. You never truly "heal" this problem without surgery, but you can go along at a managed level as many of us do but it's important to clear up the problem as best possible or you'll continue as you are now and eventually wind up in really bad shape!

My advice would be to go on the LWM Diet for 4 to 6 weeks and then slowly move toward the high fiber goal while watching for triggers. I know this seems a long time, but in a lifespan of eating, it's pretty short. Your guts didn't wind up in the shape they are in overnight.....and they won't get better overnight either. Do the LWM thing and don't cheat for a month or so (and drink the hell out of water) and you'll be glad in the long run.
