The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61474   Message #1005926
Posted By: Bill D
21-Aug-03 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
about Friday night potluck at the Getaway: We are still adjusting to the differences at this camp. For 30 years we were at camps with fairly easy access to the kitchen and thus, dishwashing facilities...but here, the staff does all the cooking and clean up...We had a semi-disaster 3 years ago when we did our usual "leave it all out after the potluck" and the camp staff was faced with a mess when they came in to do breakfast.

So...the deal is, we sort of put out potluck starting whenever critical mass arrives..somewhere around 6-6:30ish (yeah, some may get eaten earlier..*grin*)...and for the next 2 hours, stuff arrives and is consumed at a great rate. After that, those arriving will 'often' have eaten before coming..(like those locals who had to work Friday and wait till after rush hour to leave town)., main dishes arriving after 8-9, may not be thoroughly appreciated...some snacks for those who are up late singing ARE always welcome! Some of the late night singing happens just around the corner for the dining hall.

We are 'gradually' learning to bring main dishes in either disposable containers, or to rinse/wash them less thoroughly until we get home..etc..etc...and to have a way to wrap them up easily and store them for 2 days. (it ain't too hard to rinse/wash a pot using a bit of warm water from one of the sinks that are available...I usually do this, and since I live locally, I usually bring some main dish with meat)

The important thing is that we throw out trash and uneaten food that would spoil and NOT leave it out Friday night. Try to be responsable for YOUR contribution and leftovers (if any)...even if you go to bed early)

As was mentioned above, there is usually a LOT of food, so those travelling long distances under inconvenient circumstances should not worry. (Last year, Homeless and his friend rode up with me from BWI airport, and we stopped at big store and went to the deli section so he could pick up a few things...worked out fine!)..

No one will go hungry!