The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12642   Message #100609
Posted By: Cara
29-Jul-99 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: what mine eyes have seen...
Subject: what I did today
I have seen the possum ocarina.

That's right, today, while the rest of you (in N. America) were at work, I had lunch with Catspaw. As proof of his identity, he produced the ocarina, one of the holy objects in the Mudcat Religion. And then his son intoned one of the secret phrases, seemingly out of nowhere: "My daddy made an egg that said 'bite me'". Ladies and gentlemen, you know what that means. (Actually, I didn't, but it was explained that it was a reference to an Easter decorating incident.)

So, for those of you, like me before today, who have never seen a Mudcat in the flesh, they (we) really do exist! And I had a great time. I met the Children of Catspaw, who are very very cute and were very good. I brought my sister, and she behaved reasonably well too. It was lovely.

It certainly eased my jealousy over not being at bbc's this weekend.