The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61407   Message #1006101
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
21-Aug-03 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone for cricket?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone for cricket?
Ard, I beg to differ. I saw the main BBC TV News last night (BBC1, 10pm, Wednesday) and when it came to the football, the Wales game was top of the bill, followed by Scotland's, with England's third and last.

Though this was as it should have been, I must admit I was a little surprised. During the first two match reports I wondered if the England game was going to follow the news, in which case when the presenter turned to the England game I was expecting her to say "If you don't want to know the score, look away now." But no, the match did not follow - the Beeb must have simply reported on Wales first because it was the most significant match. I don't know what you were watching or hearing but it wasn't the BBCTV national news.