The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12629   Message #100619
Posted By: Joe Offer, on the road
29-Jul-99 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: What is a kid's song?
Subject: RE: What is a kid's song?
Hi - one of the most popular threads in the history of Mudcat was Naughty Kids' Greatest Hits (click) and its sequel (click). I know what you mean about the horrors of political correctness. I've been singing for kids "the old way" all my life. The kids love it, but the parents sometimes get a little huffy. When I sing "Mountain Dew," some complain about my promoting alcoholism. When I sing "Noah and the Arky-Arky," some complain I'm too religious. But I carry on, nonetheless. Most parents think it's great fun, but the few who complain can be a real pain.
-Joe Offer-