The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62309   Message #1006596
Posted By: greg stephens
22-Aug-03 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Chords Req: John Barleycorn
Subject: RE: Chords for John Barleycorn
You picked a wrong'un there,Les! It was tunes like that that convinced a lot of guitarists in the 60's that the old three-chord trick wasnt going to work for a lot of traditional English tunes. Or any kind of chord trick,even.
However, having said that, you can do all right with the Penguin version jiggling around between Gminor, Dminor and F if you like. But it's the Gminor that's the problem. Should it be G major? The tune gives no guidance, and neither to me sounds right. That's when you get away from chords. I would only play Gs and Ds against the first note (G) of the tune, and not play a chord at all.