The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12608   Message #100663
Posted By: Frank of Toledo
29-Jul-99 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat / Sing Out Magazine
Subject: RE: Mudcat / Sing Out Magazine
Nancy and I had the pleasure of spending two days with Tom Russell and his guitarist Andrew Hardin last month June 23rd and 24th. He did a concert for us at the local church and the audience was so taken in by Tom and his story songs. Art you're so right. He weaves a story that takes you in and holds you spell bound till the end. I had the pleasure, and boy was I ever nervous, to sing Blue Wing with him and Andrew as the last encore of the evening. I'll never forget that. And also Art, thanks for the help with the "Cherokee Queen", I had Utah Phillips sing it to me over the phone. And Mike, I'm looking forward to your story on Tom. I believe "A Man From God Knows Where is one the of the greatest concept albums, I've heard......... I look forward to my Sing out ever quarter, and recommend it to everyone who loves music........