The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12564   Message #100695
Posted By: Tom on Comfort
29-Jul-99 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: Request for new singers/songwriters
Subject: RE: Request for new singers/songwriters
A lot of these folks ain't exactly "new" they just haven't become incredibly commercial successes, so the joy of discovering them is just around the corner for many (there were some names here I'd never heard of --& now I'll go off & check 'em out, thank you very much). Or maybe this is still a big world, & it takes some time for news of somebody to get around.

It's a good thing there ain't nobody heard EVERYTHING, I think.

Oh & let me call to mind some more good ones, writing songs in a political vein frequently, Charlie King, Si Kahn, & Len Wallace have been stoking them rabble-rousing fires for years with wit, & good poetry, & grace.

See ya--Tom