The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61474   Message #1007187
Posted By: Bill D
23-Aug-03 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
Subject: RE: 2003 FSGW Getaway - ideas for program
I used to entertain the idea of sneaking around with a tape recorder in the middle of the night and then playing it back at breakfast as an "guess who THIS is"...but I do hate the idea of being tarred & feathered at a Getaway..*grin*. We have tried various things, but providing a supply of those soft foam ear plugs has seemed like the best solution..that, or staying up all night! (Not sure any of the cabins could withstand ALL the serious snorers at once..**rruummmbbblllee...crash!**)