The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62309   Message #1007252
Posted By: GUEST,Les in Chorlton, Manchester
24-Aug-03 - 04:32 AM
Thread Name: Chords Req: John Barleycorn
Subject: RE: Chords for John Barleycorn
I had a read of the other JB threads concerning its origin and meaning. As usual - many opinions. The penguin version seems very complete. Perhaps it was tidied up by someone who knew lots about theories of farmimg, death and resurection and son.

Anyway, John survives in this version to help the huntsman and the tinker so it doesn't sound like a temperance song.

Now the, Wild Rover, that wel know Irish drinking song surely an English temperance song?

But back to the chords. People sing and play and we either enjoy what they do or we don't. The Watersons with no chords, but voices does it for me, but I am willing to hear other versions with as many chords as you like.