The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12629 Message #100748
Posted By: Ewan McVicar
30-Jul-99 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: What is a kid's song?
Subject: RE: What is a kid's song?
Kids have their own songs - the ones that pass from kid to kid without adult involvement. We moan that they don't know any, because of the evil effects of the keyboard and the remote control. Yet all the time the old songs we loved as kids are being ruthlessly discarded and vibrant new ones created in the strongest and oldest yet youngest and least regarded folklore movement of all. Re finding Scottish kids songs - try the first 4 albums and first two videos of The Singing Kettle, two highly regarded Scots folkies - Cilla Fisher and Artie Trezise - who are a children's show sensation. Their more recent songs / albums / videos are not Scots but international in voice.