The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56381   Message #1008405
Posted By: wysiwyg
26-Aug-03 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: Giac (NOT) Hospitalized - Convalescing Update 2004
Subject: RE: Giac Updates
I have permission from Giac to share from some of the most recent updates. This time I'm giving them in her own words, minus the editing she often likes me to do to keep it less personal-- having just talked to her, I can say that Giac speaking for herself is about as clear as humans get, so I wanted you to hear her for yourselves.

Of course she continues to send out the funniest jokes I ever get in email. Here's a sample from June 18:
Martha and Edna, two widows, are talking. Martha says, "That nice George Johnson asked me out for a date. I know you went out with him last week, and I wanted to talk with you about him before I give him my answer."

Edna replied, "Well... I'll tell you. He shows up at my apartment punctually at 7 PM. And dressed like such a gentleman in a fine suit. And he brings me such beautiful flowers! Then he takes me downstairs, and what's there but a beautiful car... a limousine, uniformed chauffeur and all. Then he takes me out for dinner... marvelous dinner - lobster. Then we go see a show... let me tell you, Martha, I enjoyed it so much I could have just died from pleasure! So then we are coming back to my apartment and he turns into an ANIMAL. Completely crazy, he tears off my expensive new dress and has his way with me two times!"

Martha exclaimed, "Goodness gracious! you are telling me I shouldn't go out with him?"

Edna answers "No... I'm just saying, wear an old dress."

Now, as to Giac herself-- well I won't share her encounter with the spider *G*G* at 2 AM in bed, but.....

June 22: A good friend of mine lost two dogs and two horses within the last year. They were all elderly and their demise was not unexpected, but quite traumatic in such a short time. Yesterday, she got a new horse, Scout, who is 3 1/2, half Morgan and half Mustang. He is wonderful! The woman from whom she got Scout, brought another horse along to keep him company for awhile, as he has never been alone. The companion, Trotter, is 18, a gorgeous sorrel and quite sedate. Hmmm, my friend thought. I'll bet Mary would want to ride him. (Gee, do ya think?) Some of you likely don't know that I spent most of my childhood and adolescence on horses. Sold my last one when I was around 33. I've ridden a few times in the interim, including on a couple of Brenda's horses, but the last time was around eight years ago just before her old mare went lame permanently (No, it wasn't my fault! Humpf!). When I was young I'd not have believed I'd could go that long without riding. We rode for about an hour and it was one of the best and happiest days I've had in maybe years!!! When I thanked her, my friend said the expression on my face and my four hours of constant chattering about it were worth it. She is a VERY GOOD friend.

July 12: Had [dog] Misty put to sleep this evening. She seemed to have had some sort of episode and began pacing the floor, then she was in obvious pain. She was 19, a Spitz, but most of all, a good friend. Emily [younger dog] and I will miss her. She is buried on a classic, steep, East Tennessee hillside, near a pond with lovely bog plants, and right by her friends Bear and Josie.

August 24: I just finished two weeks of oral chemo. My first blood work was good. They have delayed starting the infusions for a bit, hoping my back will get some better. The MRI revealed an excessive amount of de[ge]nerating bone stuff in my spine. It is greatly inflamed. I am, frankly, miserable. Can't sit for more than 20-30 minutes, can't stand that long. Spend most of my time on my back. Can't lie on either side (and certainly not on my stomach) due to previous surgeries. Good friends are helping me, and I get weekday Meals on Wheels now, too. That is a great thing because I can't stand long enough to do more than scramble eggs. I LIKE eggs, but after awhile, one does like a variety. This, being the South, means the meals are good home-cooked food; there's usually enough to have some left for supper, too.

Do not be alarmed if I don't answer [or post] promptly. I can't stand to sit at the computer very long and don't check email some days. As I needled the doctor: I'd be all right if I didn't have a broken back! She did not see the humor in it. Damn! Doctors take themselves so seriously. *Snerk, snerk*

A great by-product of this whole thing is that I have lost a lot(!) of weight. The medicos are concerned by such things, but I keep telling them to not dampen my extreme delight. Celebrate the little happinesses as they come, I say!

Keep chugging along, my friends.


Giac is having some computer trouble now too, and will not be using her puder for a bit. I know of at least one email she sent that never arrived, so it's not the best way to message her for now. PMs are more reliable, but again, she's not booting up for now and when she resumes pudering, it will be brief stints and not too often. I have her phone number if anyone would like to pass some time with her (PM me and tell me how well you know her), and we're sending her some audio books and old radio shows. She deeply appreciates all your prayers, good thoughts, candles, etc.
