The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62422 Message #1008567
Posted By: GUEST,Gene
26-Aug-03 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: HELP: mono to dual track
Subject: HELP: mono to dual track
Recently dug out an old Reel-To-Reel tape that was apparently recorded on 2 track unit is 4 track ... and i get a perfect audio/track on the right channel but and the reverse sounds of the oposite track of the RTR on the left channel...[the other channel is of course being played backwards]
my audio program provides for ZERO'ing out the Left channel but i see no way to MIRROR the RIGHT track so there will be sound in both Speakers?
any suggestions...???
In the future I suppose i could just couple the output of the desired channel thru a MONO to STEREO CABLE???