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Thread #62451   Message #1009287
Posted By: GUEST
27-Aug-03 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Christian' Loonies Lose It in Montgomery
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Loonies Lose It in Montgomery
Well akenaton, I agree with you 1000%, but would also point out that all politicians profess to believe in some mainstream religion, Blair and Bush included. But that doesn't make any of them sincere about their professed beliefs, as the course of history and current events amply demonstrates. So the question becomes, how intelligent does one have to be to manipulate the religious fervor of sheep?

Now, before you all jump on my case, I am referring to the Xtian Loonie shepherds herding their flocks, and parading before their false gods, the Fox and CNN camera crews. I have no quarrel with folks who just go about their religious business without attempting to dictate their personal relgious (s)creeds to the general public, their neighbors, friends, work colleagues, children's teachers, public librarians, the local and national media, the judiciary, Congress, and all administrative branches of government.

Whoever the ringleader guy is down there in Montgomery, I just saw him ranting on MSNBC. When asked, he said he absolutely would not allow religious representatives of ANY religion but his to have decorative (please, let's not get carried away and refer to the monument as art) representations publicly displayed in the courthouse in a constitutionally allowed manner. Something about Hare Krishnas and MUSLIMS not being there when this country was founded.

He also didn't say whether his set of commandments were the one, true, proprietary sort of commandments I expect they are. But these loonies are so pig ignorant, they appear not to even know that there is no one, true set of commandments that all Jews and Christians agree upon.

But really, we shouldn't confuse them with facts like that. It is so much easier for them to use pictures to tell their story, rather than an articulate argument, in or out of a court of law.

Today, there were no struggles among them to read between the lines of the Republican right's patriotic-neurotics righteous scripting of this holy non-event. Thank God we were allowed to witness those manly Xtian men, shaking their fists in anger, screaming their rage to the heavens, to countenance their trembling anguish, right in front of the Fox cameras. Fox knows how to get the ratings--just give us those old time manly Xtian men, defending the commandments in a self-righteously sexy (in a Charlton Heston as Moses sort of way) to the REAL feminine flock of Professional Christian Wives and Daughters. The pictures at 10 will soon have those sinning women begging their masters to discipline them. They shall pronate their sinful, trembling, lascivious flesh in missionary positions under their NASCAR bubbas, and it will all be SO HOT in a Xtian Loonies sexualized way, that they all will continue their protest in Montgomery, and worshipping at the sacred altar of Fox all the way through the September sweeps...