The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62419 Message #1009443
Posted By: Hawker
28-Aug-03 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: cornwall folk festival
Subject: RE: cornwall folk festival
I was really disappointed not to get to any of the Sara Grey & Keiron Means performances, but I agree, Burl, Keiron is Fantastic - and such a nice chap too! Viv Legg's singing has been as much a revelation for her as it has for us, she is quite shy and retiring and is quite taken aback by her success, though the rest of us are not at all surprised. Again, a lovely lady to talk to, too - and she has some lovely stories to tell about her family. I was lucky enough to hear her sing and enjoyed every minute of it. It is good to hear feedback on this festival, which was run on a shoestring, none of the artists were paid for their services, and this was, in a way a bid for survival, I think a big thank you should go out to all those who took part in whatever way - the artists, the stewards, and the people who came, bought tickets and made the festival happen! Cheers, Lucy