The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61935   Message #1009516
Posted By: Rapparee
28-Aug-03 - 08:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Attack coming on August 27!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Attack coming on August 27!!!
Thank heavens, we WON!!

The attack came, but like the Y2K problem, Those Who Understood managed to save the planet from destruction, despair, and depradation.

When you think of this in the future, you'll say that it was a hoax, a non-problem. If you're tempted to say that, think of the brave platoon of the Idaho Regiment that was wiped last night as they bravely stood their ground against the hoards of Martian invaders, defending Earth until reinforcements arrived -- too late to save them, but in time to do their bit in saving Earth.

Think of the courageous Anzac Brigade which defended Queen Maude's Land, the white snow red with their blood and aqua with with the ichor of their foes. Think of the poor folks who had to clean up the battlefield later: one of them lost their lunch over the red-and-aqua color scheme.

I don't have the details yet on the battles in Nunavit, Iceland, Novosibrosk, Tonduchon, on Inch Strand, on Skye, in Trois Maries, in Pass Christian, in Saskatoon, or on Saipan. Suffice to say that in all places the defenders roundly defeated the invaders and piles of alien body parts are neatly stacked.

First reports of battles elsewhere, including at Ell Five and Luna City, are starting to drift in.

Remember them, those who defended you and Gave Their All so that you wouldn't be some alien Martian's breakfast today.