The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62451   Message #1009652
Posted By: GUEST,Casual Observer
28-Aug-03 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Christian' Loonies Lose It in Montgomery
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Loonies Lose It in Montgomery
I'm not convinced Roy Moore is operating with a sincere religious agenda. I believe I stated that I'm not sure I appreciate the use of religious faith as a test to the Constitution. It is exploitative. But I also believe that some of those people are sincere, or at least think they are. Perhaps they do not realize they are being misled as to the true nature of the situation. I'm sure many of them believe it's about religion, when in fact it's about constitutionality. They may not realize that the windmills they're fighting are really just...windmills.