The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62419   Message #1009816
Posted By: RoyH (Burl)
28-Aug-03 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: cornwall folk festival
Subject: RE: cornwall folk festival
Hawker you are correct about Viv Legg's modesty and her surprise at the fine reception she got for her singing. She is a delightful lady. It was sad though to hear her say that she was a Romany speaker but her daughters didn't want to know it. Children don't always want to carry on things of their parents I know, but it will be a pity if this area of Romany speaking fades out. I doubt that Viv wants a career in the folk scene, but it's my hope that she will be coaxed out to sing a little more often, for al our sakes.   Burl.