The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62523   Message #1010518
Posted By: GUEST,fred miller
29-Aug-03 - 08:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad temper in arguments
Subject: RE: BS: Bad temper in arguments
Good thoughts. I enjoy arguing quite a bit, when I have a point of view to offer, and I think the risk of a quarrel makes people shy from saying what they have to say. That's a sad loss, especially on a internet forum. I don't see a lot of fistfights, but a quarrel isn't a disaster, necesarily. You can get over it.

I once worked with someone who had actually had fistfights with my predecessor. After a few years I was frustrated and set a meeting with our supervisor. When I pointed out that our plan to share duties had resulted in my assuming some of his, while he had never touched any of mine, I met with this mock-politeness warning, advised not to say things like that, because "you two have to work together". Well, no, we don't have to, I said, why do you suppose I'm meeting with you about my job?

Sometimes you can't be taken seriously, sometimes you can't BE serious, without arguing. Maybe the quarrel is what happens when people can't argue. They ought to practice more.