The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62215   Message #1011263
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
02-Sep-03 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: Towersey Village Festival 2003
Subject: RE: Towersey Village Festival 2003
Well, I finally made it back via Kipper country - North Norfolk (shuts at 8.30pm, last one up put the loights out).

Sorry the Mudcat thingy didn't really happen on Sat, got taken out to get money - a more urgent matter!

GUEST - wish you'd made yourself known. I was in the Prego dance for the last 45 mins, it was bloody good even though I don't dance any more!

Any reports that I took all my clothes off in the barn on Sunday are totally not true.

Any photos of me not taking my clothes off in the barn on Sunday can be exchanged for quantities of cash.... just pm me you bastard, you know who you are!

Sorry to the people I scared by revealing that Les Barker does serious stuff as well as silly stuff.

And thanks to those who made very complimentary remarks about a song that's only taken 3 years to write and is the only one I've ever remembered a tune I wrote for it.

Next year is the 40th anniversary... should be good!