The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12645   Message #101129
Posted By: MAG (inactive)
31-Jul-99 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
Get outta here, Peter! Today is our Teddy Bear Picnic at work, the final event of our Summer Reading Program. Picture: large crowd of children, each hugging their favorite stuffed toy. Blankets, sack lunches. Vlunteers roaming with armloads of bear stories.

Yours truly with her very own adult size Dearly Beloved Bear and Tak, serenading with Teddy Bear Picnic, and, yes Art, WALTAZING WITH BEARS. If Gordon Bok can do it, so can I. this is not a day for sadness and grief; it is a bbb-yoo-tee-full, if hot, day here in the glorious NORTHWEST, and, after I grab some coffee and doughnuts here at the Tavern, I'm off to my picnic. All merry folk invited.