The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62458   Message #1011586
Posted By: Peg
02-Sep-03 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Thought a Day: The Hammerskold Paradox
Subject: RE: Thought a Day: The Hammerskold Paradox
one can disagree without discounting another person's beliefs. By stating that something I have experienced cannot be verified or proven, well, that seems like ridicule at best, or, worse, accusing   me of lying (or was it "hallucinating"?)

It would help if you stated that these are YOUR beliefs, and that they are BELIEFS; but, by speaking generally, you imply the rest of the (thinking) world must needs agree with you, and by relying on rhetoric in which only hardline "facts" and empirical "evidence" and "proof" (when the very subject we're discussing is intangible) will convince you of the veracity of my claims, well, it's a set-up. It then becomes a situation in which anyone with experience of the paranormal will be unable to sit at the table.