The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12681   Message #101166
Posted By: Henrik W.
31-Jul-99 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: 'Musical' Novels
Subject: RE: 'Musical' Novels

I agree that "Angela's Ashes" does have very funny
passages (especially the parts where Frank describes the
world as seen from his young boy perspective - all the
things that seem so strange, when you're a kid), but
on the whole I would say it's not really a "funny" book
but rather a hard hitting account of a brutal, miserable
childhood, don't you agree? It hit me in the stomach
for sure - great book.

On the subject of 'Musical' Novels, ex-Battlefield Band
member and songwriter extraordinaire Brian McNeill has
written a book called "The Busker" about... a busker!
I have not been able to find this book however, so if
anyone has a copy that they'd like to sell (or lend me
even) - let me know! I also believe Brian has recently
completed a sequel to "The Busker" - I think it's called
"To answer the Peacock", but I'm not sure.

