The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11959   Message #101173
Posted By: Mudjack
31-Jul-99 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Great Coffee Houses
Subject: RE: Great Coffee Houses
Starbucks, OHhh... It has to be a "Coffee House" I tend to call a lot of venues coffee house but more correctly it should be Acoustic Music Venue. A bar converted from the old stables it was at the University of California Riverside with it's "Folk Concerts at the Barn" Sunday nights. Who's who of folk music has performed there. The good folks who produced the concerts are very dear friends of mine and I have a life time of graditude to them for their efforts. They stopped the series about 18 months ago due to the UCR demanding more rent money and constantly adding more restrictions as time went on. I know Sandy has been there, thats where I met him many years back. It had a bar atmoshere but emphasis were on the music and a very quiet setting. I remember how depressed I became when I decided to leave the area and suddenly it donned on me what I might not be able to replace in my life, will there be another Barn? I hav'nt found it yet.
My other folkie hang out was "The Starvation Cafe". Patrick managed to serve up some poor man's soup and coffee. Very Bohemian for the 80's and 90's. Avante Garde was the theme but bluegrass and folk would intertwine the programs.
Just as I got interested in performing music,The Penny U in San Bernardino CA was closing it's doors. That was a real BUZZ and hooked me on the "live music" scene. It was thr predesessor to the above clubs.