The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62458   Message #1011863
Posted By: Wolfgang
03-Sep-03 - 05:11 AM
Thread Name: Thought a Day: The Hammerskold Paradox
Subject: RE: Thought a Day: The Hammerskold Paradox
I once have told here my personal experience with a confidently told but incorrect personal experience. That's one of several reasons why I am wary of reports of personal experiences even if accompanied by assertions like 'it happened' or whatever.

Another personal experience I repeat as often as possible is to ask people that have been with me at a stage magician's show after the show what they have seen. Since I know some of the tricks of the trade I know sometimes where to look at in the crucial moment (which doesn't prevent me from being as dumbfounded as others when I don't know how it is done). The reports about the events seen often make me smile. "He never ever has been close to the envelope and so he can't have switched it". "There was no way he could influence which card was drawn except by collusion". It is interesting to see how the brain can be fooled.

That are some of my personal experiences with personal experiences.
