The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62574   Message #1012061
Posted By: Lyrical Lady
03-Sep-03 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Funniest thread on Mudcat?
Subject: RE: BS: Funniest thread on Mudcat?
After being on the "cat" for 4 years now and learning to recognize the individual writing skills of the poster, I can tell you that you'll find some of the funniest things when you read between the lines. Take for instance Spaw's last post, now, to most of you, you will think that he was making a dig at Mark by suggesting he too is boring because of his "Hawaiian Diet".

You'll notice that Spaw used the words, "dietary", "pineapple", "macadamia nuts", "twelve hours" and "shit". This tells me that the man has not been behaving himself as far as his diverticulitis is concerned and that he has ODed on forbidden fruits and nuts. He should be ok in about twelve hours... after he has a good shit! *BG*