The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62523   Message #1012253
Posted By: jacqui c
03-Sep-03 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad temper in arguments
Subject: RE: BS: Bad temper in arguments
I never got involved in arguments, particularly with men, if I could avoid them as a result of having a very overbearing father who would brook no argument and whose point of view was law.

Luckily, a few years ago I made a very good male friend who takes delight in heated discussion. He is an excellent bullshitter and extremely knowledgeable and I have found, over a period of time, that I am quite happy to indulge in verbal fisticuffs with him. Most of the time I have to admit that I don't know enough about a particular subject to maintain any real position but, on the occasions where we are discussing matters of opinion, we can keep some of the passengers in the train carriage going home from work interested in the debate for up to the best part of an hour. When we really are at loggerheads and no amount of debate has changed either view in any significant manner I will usually finish things by suggesting that we will have to agree to disagree. I have, over the period, found that my own views on certain matters have either been altered or confirmed by the discussion, especially when it gets a little heated. When I recognise the signs that I am beginning to lose my temper during one of these arguments I try to relax, mentally and physically, and sit back a little to gain a better perspective.

The thing with this guy is that he can put both sides of the same argument, if he wants to, with an equal agility and that makes him a perfect sparring partner. It's helped me to put my own views across more cogently with other people and to feel more confident of my own position. That,in itself is quite often sufficient to keep from getting angry when argument doesn't go your way.

Anyway, if we don't put across divergent views. as has been said earlier, then nothing would move forward. sometimes there is no right or wrong view on a subject, just different perspectives.