The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1012461
Posted By: Troll
04-Sep-03 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Ok, so we should keep the bastards alive because executions are "barbaric" etc.
Now one of you social theorists explain to me why it is ok to use the tax money of the victims and/or survivors to support the person who deprived them of a husband, wife, or child. Absobloodylutely NOTHING is done for the victims and, to add insult to injury, they are FORCED by the state to assist in the upkeep of the one who victimized them.
This support includes food, shelter, medical care, free educational opportunities and entertainment in the form of satelite TV and shows. Some prisons even allow conjugal visits.
In the meantime, the victims struggle with trying to raise a family with one parent, trying to make ends meet and scrimping on things like medical insurance, adequate food and shelter, etc.
In the meantime, the author of this misery has his or her every need supplied and all the bleeding hearts cry about "injustice" and "inhumanity".
You want injustice and inhumanity?
Look at the plight of the victims for a change. Write letters about THEM. Hold candlelight vigils for the child who will never know his father; the mother who will never see her daughter blossom into young womanhood.
But we don't see any of this happening. I guess it doesn't make good copy. Victim stories don't make good sound bites.
It makes me want to puke.
