Something that remained in that area is Ye Olde Union Oyster House. One of my favorite things to do was to go there and order some oyseters and a tumbler of brandy in honor of Daniel Webster who used to do exactly that at the same bar. "Only the oysters have been changed, to protect the innocent." Jack Kennedy used to sit at this bar, too.Upstairs, in 1770, more or less, a farm boy from Woburn, MA took up residence. His name was Benjamin Thompson. He would later be knighted by the King of Bavaria after designing the English Gardens in Munich, providing work for the poor of that city to control poverty, developing a coffee percolator making coffee affordable and making possible the coffee shop which was a feature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, developing a stove that was more efficient than Franklin's, and basic discoveries in the nature of friction. He was an astounding although forgotten guy. And he hung out in Scollay Square (he said, neatly returning to within a few kilometers of the original thread creep).