The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62634   Message #1012681
Posted By: Steve Parkes
04-Sep-03 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Singarounds- Forgetting your words
Subject: RE: Singarounds- Forgetting your words
Now, now, settle down -- let's remember where we are!

I think harlowpoet is thinking in terms of people who don't take enough trouble to learn a thing properly; after all, they are supposed to be entertaining us, not we indulging them. But as you say, Radriano, humiliating someone who already feels very silly is not constructive, nor is it tolerant.

I've dried in things I've been singing or reciting for years and years: it's a talent of mine! Ocasionally is it due to sloppiness on my part, but usually it's due to the flighty Muse pulling the plug on me. I usually manage to joke my way out of it (at least, everyone laughs at my remarks), but it's still annoying, embarrassing, frustrating for me. Be gentle with us, harlowpoet! I've even seen Tom Paxton lose a song half-way through, so its not just us hams.


PS The Muse is Anacreon, I think. Does Terpsichore ever do the same to you dancers?