The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62634   Message #1012728
Posted By: Forsh
04-Sep-03 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: Singarounds- Forgetting your words
Subject: RE: Singarounds- Forgetting your words
I remember my 1st time at a folk fest, Bromyard in 1974, I was at me dad's side, (Alan Forsh') and mostly stoned or pi**ed, Every song/chorus that I tried to join in with, I mucked up, much to Forsh 1's embarasment. On the last night, there was a camp fire thing going on in a field, (No, not a load of foppishly dressed limp-wristed englishmen, I meen the other sort of camp) Vin Garbutt was there, joining in, with a few remaining copies of 'Valley of Tees' under his arm. They were all doing a wonderful rendition of 'Martin Said', the harmonies grew better with each passing verse, and, wishing to impress Vin and the crowd at the fire, I drew attention, indicating that I had a verse to add, well, I Folked it right up, and the song fizzled, I was left to slink off alone, eyes burning my back, I decided that I had to either learn the songs better, or write my own!
'on the last night of the festival, sitting round a fire, singing 'Martin said to his man' I was pi**ed & Wrecked & tired,
but I joined in with the singing of that famous old folk song,
and when it cam to my turn, I got it bloody wrong!

The folk around the camp fire, turned & stared at me,
it seemed that I had ru-i-end their 5 part harmony,
I snuck of like a thief in the night, but then thought 'wot the hell'
I will write me own folk songs (and get them wrong aswell)

If anyone woould like these lyrics in full, just say so!
other lyrics wot I wrote can be found here:(CLICK)