The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62616   Message #1013581
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
05-Sep-03 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jim the Roper
Subject: Lyr Add: JIM THE ROPER

They dug him a grave at the set of the sun,
His riding was over, his roping was done.

Brown-featured and bonnie and strong were those brave
Rough cowboys who gathered around Jim's lone grave.

In silence, grim silence they covered him o'er,
To ride the wild bronco and rope cattle no more.

They turned toward their cabins deserted and grim,
Close by the green grave where they buried poor Jim.

They turned toward their cabins, deserted and lorn,
Since Jim the brave rider and roper was gone.

No sound save the Yellowstone dashing a-foam,
Is heard midst the ruins, once Jim's happy home.

And so went the story and so it still goes,
That Jim's ghost is seen where the Yellowstone flows.

From Margaret Larkin, 1931 (1963), "Singing Cowboy," Oak Pub., pp. 164-165, with music. From E. B. Reddick. Katlaughing might be able to provide Sam Hinton's version.