The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12645   Message #101391
Posted By: LEJ
01-Aug-99 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
Why, hello there Koko... oh, I'm sorry, I mean Miss Kong. You are looking for WHOM? Big Mick, you say. Let's see, we had a Big Mike, and there was a Big Rick... neither one, huh? Howsabout another Banana Daquiri while we work this one out. On the house. Hey, where you going? No, I meant it's a free drink, not literally ON the House! Ma'am that drain pipe's not going to hold you! Oh, Jeez... UNGOWA KOKO! UNGOWA!

Anyway, get some more Sominex into Neil Lowe, he's still jabbering about Clear Light and telling me "Hey, LEJ! You're off the freakin' bus!!"

What's this contraption on the bar? I don't know, I bought it from one of Peter T's pals, said he'd let me have it for a song. So I did MacArthur Park and he ran out of here covering his head about the time I hit the second "Oh Nooooo". He says it's a SAD-O-METRIC Exerciser and whoa! WATCH OUT FOR THAT BUTTON...DON'T..

" The old hometown looks the same
As I step down from the train
There to meet me are my Momma and my Poppa
Down the lane I walk and there comes Mary
Hair of gold, and lips like cherries
It's good to touch the Green Green Grass of Home

Sob! Now you've done it! sniff