The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62617   Message #1013938
Posted By: Raedwulf
06-Sep-03 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist
Subject: RE: BS: Farewell to an anti-abortionist

It's an interesting proposition. Curiously, I've literally just finished reading "The Fatal Shore" by Robert Hughes (which I've seen mentioned either here or somewhere else within the last week), about Transportation to Australia. Assigned labour was an integral part of the early growth of the colony. Judging by what I read, it was neither success nor failure.

Your idea has been tried before. From what I know, I would say that the evidence is equivocal. There are immediate problems with trying to reintroduce it.

1) Convict labour is always reluctant & inefficient.

2) Some of the convicts will embrace the notion of expiation through labour. Unfortunately, many will not, & will sabotage the labour, where they can, out of sheer spite.

3) The biggest obstacle is probably the modern notion of human rights.

4) In Europe & the UK at least, the Unions will squeal about the way that you're taking bread out of the mouth of the honest labourer, etcetera... {rollseyes}

5) Would you (especially in light of 1 & 2 above) "buy" any convict labour, with the potential problems that might attend? And, given the modern negative world, would undoubtedly be far more widely publicised than the successes...

It's a plausible idea, but can you tell me how the practical difficulties will be overcome or neutralised?